
Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Ongoing Saga of the 4-H Goat

Oldest child does boers for 4-H. She is it. The one and only goat person in two counties. It's a tiny fair and, obviously, not very goat oriented. The most she has ever sold a goat for at fair is $200, but she has soooo much fun with it. Since everybody wants more for market wethers than she usually gets at the fair auction, we looked around and found her a breeding pair. Her first year the doe had quads, one of which was stillborn. Two more died at two weeks old. We had a necropsy done, but there were no definitive results. We threw everything at the one remaining and he did just fine. Then, just after fair that year, the doe died. Got stuck in the fence, that's why I don't like disbudded goats. Anyway we got a new doe and she had triplets. Gorgeous babies!

Now, for some reason, this year the doe didn't take so we're pretty much out of 4-H for the year. Well, at last years fair, oldest child got to do Round Robin. It's very informal here and the judges are usually people who have kids involved in that animal but their child didn't make the Round Robin. They had to hunt around for a goat person. They found one, though. This person heard about our lack of goatlings this year and is donating one to us. How awesome is that?! Nice people make it all worthwhile. We have to arrange a time in the near future to go pick out the baby. Will post pictures when we do!

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