
Monday, July 6, 2015

Peppers in Pots

Our family loooooves hot peppers! I've been having a heck of a time growing the up here, though. I get decent looking plants and a fair number of peppers, but the peppers are always very small. So, this year I thought I'd experiment by growing some in pots right up against the house.

Definitely a good idea! I'm guessing it's the extra heat that's reflected off the house since I filled the pots with soil from the garden beds so that variable should be the same. The plants look great and the little peppers that are starting are already bigger than anything I've ever managed to get ripened on the plants in the garden.

That pepper right there, ^^^^ is an immature ancho and it's already bigger than the fully ripened ones I got last year. I'm hopeful that this may get to a decent size.

I have too many plants per pot, lack of planning on my part, but they still are doing better than in the garden itself. I think I'll try building some large, long boxes on wheels for next year so I can plant waaaaaay more plants. That would also allow me to easily wheel them to shelter when we get those severe thunderstorms.

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