
Monday, December 12, 2016

The getting of the Christmas Tree

So yesterday was the day to go get our Christmas trees. We make a day of it every year and while this year was a bit abbreviated because of the cold, it was still lots of fun.

Woke up to a cold, foggy morning. The hoar frost was gorgeous!

But the sun finally came out so we took off!

We found a nice spot up in the hills, got a fire going and started warming up lunch.

All was good til we discovered that I had forgotten to bring any spoons. That added to the adventure but we had some corn chips so we used those instead. It's good for you to eat in small bites, right?

Then we went and cut our tree.

Then it was time to head home. It was kind of funny, once we got off the mountain and back to where there had been fog that morning, you could definitely tell the sunny side of the trees. They were green on the south side and still covered with hoar frost on the north side. I wish I could've got a picture, but whizzing by at highway speeds just doesn't work for that sort of thing.

And the finished product.


  1. Good job! We still have to go out and look for ours. Lots of trees and lots of snow up here in the NW corner of Montana.

    1. I love our tree trip! It's not so much the tree as the getting out. I don't know why we don't do it more, we always say we should but somehow it never happens. I bet you do have lots of snow! I'd love to live somewhere with lots of snow again.
