I got my bee nucs last week, yay! I don't have any 'normal' hives so it has made transferring the frames a little interesting, but I'll make it work.
My first hive is a modified perone hive. I'm not sure why I made it that shape, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. :) Inside is just an open cavity. The bees are supposed to fill it up however they please. You're supposed to fill it with a prime swarm, but those
are thin on the ground around here so I'm using a nuc and hoping for the best. I'll add some top boxes for honey, but I'm just hoping to have a hive that will survive and maybe provide swarms for my other hive(s). We'll see.
Here's the bees using the entrance. So far they are still there and seem happy.
My other hive is a top bar. Getting the frames cut down for that is a little more tricky. I had to end up just throwing them in longwise since storms and wind were kicking up. I'll go back in at the first opportunity and finish up. Hopefully they won't be too mad at me.
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