
Monday, April 30, 2018

Spring has sprung!

Spring has finally decided to show it's face around here. We were really beginning to doubt that it would ever show up. Between the snow actually melting away, warmer days, a wee bit of green and a lot of babies, it looks like spring, too.

We've had two of the goats go so far, with three more to go. Each one had twins, all girls. The first goat had BIG babies, 9 and 10 pounds, the second was more reasonable. Hers were 7 and 8 pounds. The cow also decided to pop and produced a lovely little heifer calf. She gets to stay here as a replacement/addition to her mother so we'll have two producing cows in a couple years. She, of course, had been the recipient of much attention. I don't think she's in much danger of becoming a wild beastie. :) There's some chicks floating around as well.

Things have been popping up in the garden as well. Rhubarb is up and running, peas are peeking and the onions are starting to look like they'll survive the shipping/transplanting experience. Most exciting (for me) I have some purple asparagus coming up! I planted some seed last year and it's nice to actually see something succeeding like that. I'm sure it's not really any different than any other asparagus, but it's fun to play with colors in the garden. It looks like my strawberries actually made it through the winter this time, yay! Hopefully that will continue, not just a freak occurrence because we had so much snow for so long this last winter. At least we should get some strawberries this year!

I've also had to start a new garden bed to replace an old one. The old one was made from logs that were laying around the place and the logs were really getting rotten. The bed was really getting taken over by quack grass as well. So I dragged home some pallets and cut them in half, screwed them together and now I have a new bed. Well, mostly, I still need one more piece to finish the end. I'm taking the soil out of the old bed and putting it in the new one. Carefully to avoid bringing quack grass into the new one. Not that the nasty stuff won't show up in there as well, but might as well put it off as long as possible! 
See all the grass in there?

We also procured a large trellis to put in front of the little strawbale room we built last summer. It's up on the south side of the building and we'll plant honeysuckle (or something) to grow on it and hopefully shade the room in the summer.