Here's one of my ferocious LGD's. This is Keeva, she's somewhere around a year old. I got her at 6 months and she'd never really had a lot to do with people but I thought I'd give her a try since my old boy is, well, getting old. In six months, she's gone from being terrified of people to my baby, extremely attached to littlest child fairly used to the rest of the family. She's not sure of other people yet, but she has gotten to the point she'll come up and lick them and sometimes let them pet her. She has never shown the slightest sign of aggression or she'd be gone. We are having issues with chickens, though.
Anyway, Keeva and this particular cat have become best buds. He thinks she's the best bed ever, even if she does like the lick him a lot. She's just happy to have someone to lick. Have you got the impression she likes to lick? Yeah, she really does, it's kind of annoying.
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