
Monday, April 27, 2015

I got the coolest thing yesterday!

My Grandmother collects cookbooks, as in she has hundreds of them. Her health is going downhill and she's been giving some of her things away to family that wants them. One of these cookbooks is an old Home Comfort wood cookstove owners manual and cookbook. It's been amazing to read through this thing and see how different the cooking was, especially the canning directions! There's also stuff like gardening advice, a few construction type tables, homemaking advice and other things. Some of the advice is stuff that could still be used today, some of it refers to stuff that most people don't even know  what it is. And some of it is amazing the people ever survived. Such as the one that says the best way to kill bedbugs is to completely saturate the mattress in gasoline as this will most certainly kill the bugs but will not ruin the carpet. Really? I'm guessing not many people smoked in bed, or at least not for long.

 Here's a couple of the opening pages. Based on the second pic, I think this book is from the early 1920's.

I love artichokes but have never heard of fried artichokes, sounds good though!

 Some general cooking advice. Root veggies should always be covered when cooked. Other vegetables should not be covered when cooked.

 Canning directions.

Some household cleaning advice.

Some gardening advice.
 Some general homesteading type directions.

 Some math formulas for corn crib stuff.

 More useful info.

It's been a fascinating read, that's for sure!

1 comment:

  1. How cool! Hang on to that cookbook.....someday we might be back to using wood heated cook stoves to prepare our daily meals. You are right! It's an entirely different way of cooking.
    Quita Holliday.
