
Thursday, January 19, 2017

Finally! Some warmer weather!

Well, after a little over a month of temps ranging from -28F to 12F, we have had a few days now of the 40s! It's positively spring like out there! And, as usual, I have to do something gardenish. I'm starting a few herbs inside and trying a new (for me) way of starting onions. I am the world's worst onion grower so I hope this works.

First I went out in the garden and chiseled some dirt out the beds. Then I brought it inside to thaw a little, then planted the seeds.

Then I put them outside. I covered them with plastic bags so it's kinda like a greenhouse. I probably should wait a bit for that, but I am not really known for my patience. :) I also put some snow on top to water them a bit. We'll see what happens. I'll probably also start some inside later just because.

The animals are also feeling springish. The goats have been outside almost constantly, sunning themselves. The turkey toms have also started strutting and gobbling. It's kind of fun to go out and holler at them, they always holler back.

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